Good is what's new today??

Connie D.
on 10/2/14 2:13 am

Good morning everyone......

I have to leave for lunch soon. My balance is still off. I will use my walker and that will help with the walking.

Nothing new here. I didn't leave the apartment yesterday at all. I hope to do better today!! 

VICKIE....I am so proud of you!! The article is great!! You have missed your need to be an author!! I know I keep saying that but it is so true!!! Congrats on your article!!!  

I will check back in later to see how everyone is doing.

Have a wonderful day!!!!!!

Prayers for our special OFF Family!!!

Loads of love and many hugs.....connie d

on 10/2/14 3:53 am - Bradenton, FL

I am doing way better today! I think I'm getting over the hump!!!! I changed my plane ticket to the 11th. Vinnie needs her Grammy!

Today is my husbands 69th birthday!!!! He is driving me nuts today! How many headphones does one man need??????? He has like 20 of them!!!!!!!

He ordered another one on Amazon!

So I told him to give me ine for my nephew!

Not much else going on here in my world!!!!!


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Connie D.
on 10/2/14 4:22 am

Hello Carla....Glad you are feeling better. 

Yes....Vinnie needs her Grandma and Grandma needs her Vinnie!!!

Happy Birthday to your hubby!!

Try to have a good rest of the day!!

Love you....HUGS....connie d

Patricia R.
on 10/2/14 5:09 am - Perry, MI

Good Afternoon Connie, Carla and OFF,

Connie, I sure hope you're able to find out what's causing the dizzy spells.  I've been there.  Being on allergy medicine daily has helped ease them.  I think I'm always fighting fluid in my ears due to sinus/allergy stuff.  But, when I was getting checked for the dizziness, I did find out I have a cyst in my brain.  I'm told it's nothing to worry about.  But, around that time, I also started religiously taking AllegraD, for my allergies and sinus stuff.

Carla, I'm so glad you are feeling better, so much so, you moved your trip to see Vinnie.  I know how that feels.  I've not been able to give my Munchkins hugs yet, because they've been sick.  And, I am missing them.  I've seen Frankie for a couple minutes, and all three for a second.  Plus, I drove a hyper Izzy to piano yesterday.  I feel deprived.  I remember how I felt living in PA, and only seeing them a couple times a year.

Today, I spent fifteen minutes searching for my glasses and iPhone.  It is very hard to find the very thing I need to see without wearing it in the first place.  That left me completely discombobulated.  I've spent the day making phone calls, cleaning, and cooking.  I'm making a casserole for a family at church.  Then, tomorrow, I'm cooking for my friend, Janice, the church secretary.  I took her Chinese food a few weeks ago.  She's about my age, and has never married.  I am still trying to build a few friendships.  It's so hard, when my friendships back home go back more than ten years, and some more than 30.  Plus, back home, people were more transient, here, a lot are born and bred right here, in this rural area of the middle of Michigan.  Back home is so much more urban.  The suburb I grew up in, was just a couple miles from farm land, when I was a child.  In the past forty years, those farms became housing developments.  The two lane road outside my neighborhood became a four lane road, with a chicken lane in the middle.  Plus, I lived 15 minutes from the Philadelphia city limits.  I do not miss the traffic, or the pollution.  

Anyway, tonight, I get to watch the kids.  Trent has missed so much work because of them being sick, and Colleen not wanting to expose me.  Now that they've been on the antibiotic for the strep, the only concern is the hand, foot and mouth disease, which I'll just wash my hands constantly.  I have a brand new hand sanitzer to take with me.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 10/2/14 1:08 pm, edited 10/2/14 1:09 pm

Hi had another busy day. I couldn't do 1/2 of that anymore....good for you!!!

I assume you found your glasses and phone. I lost my glasses awhile ago. I finally had to put my contacts in to find them!!!

I hope you don't catch anything from the children. You won't from the Strep but you could get the other. Still sending prayers for all of you!!!

Hope you have a good nights sleep!!

Love you...HUGS....connie d

on 10/2/14 6:36 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Connie and my sweet sistas!

Connie, you be careful walking!  We don't want you to fall!  I'm so glad your friend brought you your meal yesterday.  I wish I was closer so I could help you with things.  I'm really praying that your pain level improves SOON and that you start feeling really good again.  

We had an uneventful morning at radiation--which is a good thing.  Saw Dr. Choi and he said Butch appears to be doing well.  We won't know the results until they redo all the scans at the first of November, but Butch appears to have tolerated the radiation well.  Yeah, he's having a few side effects now, but on the whole, it's gone very well.

We are waiting for Karen (SIL) to get here and then we're all going to Costco together.  Don't really plan to buy anything there.  Just want to go in and look around and compare it to Sams.

So, I posted last night that I had a great visit with my WLS, Dr. Garth!  I tagged most of you on FB with my photo of myself and Dr. Garth.  I am feeling very encouraged and ready to re-commit myself to walking again.  I really haven't exercised much at all since my hysterectomy last December.  I need to get back on track. 

Maybe I can walk my new puppy around the block! 

So, not much else going on today.  We are fixing soup and cornbread for our dinner tonight.  I'm trying to help my SIL out as much as possible today.  She has a crazy schedule right now.  And then we are leaving tomorrow morning and headed back home.  I'm ready to be there.  I just hope little May Belle makes the trip with no problems.  

Love you all!



Connie D.
on 10/2/14 1:19 pm

Hello Vickie....I will be okay. My pain is about a 10 now so that is better for me. I use my walker when I walk. I feel safer that way. I walked down to lunch today. Afterwards I wished I hadn't. I was so weak when I got back to my apartment. I was drenched in sweat and so out of breath. I changed into PJs and rested. I didn't do much of anything else. I am not sure if I will go down tomorrow. It will depend on how I am feeling. I wish you were near....I could use a hug!!  Love You!

We don't have a Costco here. When i was in Oregon I shopped there. I really liked it. We have Sam's and that is okay. I don't go much as everything comes in such large packages. A few of the things I would like to get there they don't carry. I hope you had a good time with your SIL.

You will have fun walking that sweet puppy around!!! I love her name...May Belle!!!

Hope you have a good sleep tonight. Still sending prayers for the two of you!

Much love and oodles of hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 10/2/14 8:24 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...All I have to say right now is  and  and  So have a good night!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!


Connie D.
on 10/2/14 1:22 pm

Judy....I am really getting concerned about you. I hope you are okay. Those crazy people around there need to leave you alone!!

Send me an email tomorrow if you have time. Maryann is sure quiet too. I better send her a message too!

I love you....HUGE HUGS....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 10/2/14 8:41 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

I'm back at work, although I woke up with a headache this morning. Storms are predicted ... both by me and by the weather services. I could see the storm clouds when I went out today. 

Got paid and ordered the shoes I've been wanting to buy for awhile ... nothing fancy, just New Balance shoes because mine are three years old. I only wear one pair of shoes. I tried this brand on at a local store, then found them cheaper online. Plus free shipping. Saved $19 off the price. I got black so I can wear them with anything. 

I had to pay for Richard's drugs today, too ... he has absolutely no money, although he did get a check today for some freelance work he did, so he's giving that to me. We are doing OK ... he just needs to remember to put down the seat in the bathroom ... just like a man!

Well, that's all for now. Carla, I'm glad you're feeling better. My friend Mary Kay had a blockage in her esophagus, then followed that with her knee replacement. 

Vickie, I'm glad Butch is doing better

Connie, take it easy, but yeah, use your walker. I use my cane all the time. 

Trish, I'm glad you found an answer to your balance issues. 

Back to work!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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